What is your implementation plan and how is that going to affect your people?
You’ve probably heard the old expression; “even the greatest of strategies fail when implemented poorly“.
Now that you have your strategy, HOW do you go about implementing it?
And, lets assume for a minute, that you have included your people in the strategy formation phase having had some input, thus resistance to change may be minimal.
Still what’s next?
Well now the real work beings. In short, you need a Project Plan and a Change Management Plan. We can help you create the following;
- An ADKAR change management plan
- High level project plan (team canvases)
- Project Story (communication plan)
- Coaching of your change/implementation team
In our experience, your sponsor (CEO/business owner in most cases) needs to be onboard and leading from the front, rather than leaving it to the Change Manager. If you as CEO/Sponsor are not leading this strategy, then it is highly likely that it will fail.
Give us a call on 0405 053 689 for a conversation on how we can help you successfully implement your strategy. Alternatively, book a FREE no obligation coffee catch up with Sam here.